Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can Anybody Hear Her- Casting Crowns

Pray for Britney, Pray for Hollywood, Pray that Satan will lose his grip on these people. Many times in church, famous people are made the butt of jokes or are used as examples of how not to live...but what about just simply remembering them in prayer. We all complain about what comes out of Hollywood, but how often do we pray for the actors, directors, singers and producers? We all know what goes on in Hollywood, we all see the magazine covers when we stand in line at the grocery store. We send missionaries to foreign countries, but we don't even send prayer to Hollywood. We have neglected and turned a blind eye to the suffering, corruption and exploitation that goes on there. The result...Satan now owns Boardwalk and Park Place...good luck getting him out of that monopoly. We need to pray for these lost souls, first and foremost for their salvation and also because of the young impressionable youth of today watching their every move. We say we want better role models...lets pray for Hollywood and ask god to change lives.

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