Why is it that you can bring up the name of anyone but Jesus? You can talk about Joseph Smith, Buddha, Mohammad just about anyone, but the second you say the name of Jesus, people get weird. They get angry, they get uncomfortable, and many times try to change the subject, saying "I don't want to hear it!"
What are they afraid of??? That statement alone will make many of them angry. They will say they aren't afraid of anything, they just don't want this "JESUS stuff crammed down their throat." Yet many times these very same people, think they will go to heaven when they die.
Does that make any sense. No. Then they will argue "well if God is so loving he will let me in." They use the very LOVE, that they on a routine basis REJECT from him, but then all of a sudden wanna use it as a means for getting into heaven. For all, who think Jesus will just let them into heaven, after they have spent a life time being disgusted at the very mention of his name...
THINK ABOUT IT.... Why would jesus then force you to be with him and praise him for all eternity? He wants you to want to be there with HIM. By your own choosing. If you want no part of him, dont want to know him or know about him, then why, why should he....Why would he? No decision, is a decision. We are either for or against him. The line has been drawn, don't put off accepting Jesus. After you die, its too late. Only one choice leads to life in heaven for all eternity and that is Jesus. He will accept you, he loves you, BUT HE WILL NOT FORCE YOU. Therefore heaven is where he dwells, if you choose not to be with him there is only one other alternative. The place where he does not dwell. Choose Christ. He loves you so.