Thursday, September 17, 2009


This weekend marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanna the Jewish New Year. The Jewish calendar is a bit ahead of ours so it will be 2010 on the Jewish Calendar before it's 2010 on ours, in January. In fact on the Jewish calendar, 2010 translates to year 5770.

In the bible a Fig or Fig tree is always representative of ISRAEL. In the parable of the Fig tree Matthew 24: 32-35 Jesus gives us a clue as to when the end would come. Here is the understanding of this passage, by most all Bible scholars; The Fig tree (ISRAEL) was dead as a nation, for centuries she was scattered all around the globe, exiled from her homeland which God had specifically set aside and promised to the Jews. Jesus said that when the Fig tree branches grew tender and put forth its leaves (basically when the nation of Israel is revived and comes to life again) the generation who sees this come to pass will not pass away until all these things take place. So what defines a generation? Jesus defined a generation as 70 years.

So...ISRAEL was revived as a nation on May 14, 1948. Seventy years from 1948 will be 2018, that gives us a parameter. According to Jesus' words the tribulation and catching away(rapture) would occur BEFORE the passing away of the generation who sees ISRAEL reborn as a nation, meaning Jesus will return for us in the very near future, and the seven years of tribulation are soon to take place.

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