Sunday, September 6, 2009


The rapture...coming soon to a soul near you! Here is what you need to know. The rapture will be the mass disappearance of people all around the world at all the same exact time. World leaders will most likely try and tell you that it was caused from radiation or a mass alien abduction or some sort of nonsense. The truth is all of these disappearances will have one thing in common, all will have been believers in Jesus. The world will rejoice that all the "Christians" are gone. With Christians gone, the new world policy will be to do away with anything "christian." Bibles will be hard to find and possibly will be outlawed, websites such as this one, will be pulled from the Internet, and anyone who wishes to learn more about Christ, the Bible and the disappearances, will have to do so in secret. The bible speaks of people who will become believers in Christ after the rapture, they will be known as tribulation saints. Life will be horrible during this time, but will only continue to get worse as the end draws near. God will pour out his wrath on the wicked and unrepentant. Some people will survive and those who accept Jesus will not necessarily escape death but will save their soul and go to be with the Lord. Accept Jesus now, don't wait, the reward for loving Christ and serving him now, is the rapture, "for God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation, through our lord Jesus Christ" 1Thessalonians 5:9

1 comment:

cindybythesea said...

very well said seven stars, the Lord has appointed you as one of the watchmen on the wall, keep posting, there may not be much time left!