"Lucifer is a Latin word (from the words lucem ferre), literally meaning "light-bearer", which in that language is used as a name for the dawn appearance of the planet Venus, heralding daylight. Use of the word in this sense is uncommon in English, in which "Day Star" or "Morning Star" are more common expressions."
I then read on and found again courtesy of Wikpedia that "because the planet Venus is an inferior planet, meaning that its orbit lies between the orbit of the Earth and the Sun, it can never rise high in the sky at night as seen from Earth. It can be seen in the eastern morning sky for an hour or so before the Sun rises, and in the western evening sky for an hour or so after the Sun sets, but never during the dark of midnight."
"It is the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. As bright and as brilliant as it is, ancient people did not understand why they could not see it at midnight like the outer planets, or during midday, like the Sun and Moon. It outshines the planets Saturn and Jupiter, which do last all night, but it soon disappears.(Hmmm... soon disappears? Makes me think of how Satans reign may seem so huge looming over humanity, but his reign is short lived.) Canaanite mythology has a story of an unsuccessful attempt by Athtar, the Morning Star pictured as a god, to take over the throne of Baal."
The part about the orbit of Venus being between the Sun, an enormous circular object and the earth a much smaller object,made sense in light of the new logo, which the two circular objects showing Venus off to the side also forms a crescent. A picture within a picture. I believe the logo is in representation of Satan. Whether knowingly or not it was inspired by the great decieving serpent himself. A reflection of what is looming on the horizon in the not so distant future. Lord I pray that we will have spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear.

Shalom ~ When I first looked at the picture, I thought I was looking at an extreme close-up of a signet ring. A symbol of authority? And the color blue "bothers" me? Also, when I first saw the "shiny star", I saw a compass. One "hand" which divides down the middle, pointing North and South, with the emphasis on the South. And another, diagonal "hand", pointing Northwest and Southeast with the emphasis on the Northwest. The "compass" being between the sun and the moon ... giving "directions", pointing to a "location"? And looking at the 3 red "ribbons", I thought: "Red like blood." Simply my initial observations and thoughts; no firm conclusions. Your thoughts?
Shalom! Thank you for your response, I see exactly what you are saying and I think you could be on to something as well. The part about the compass and the various emphasis' was excellent. Some may argue that these things are just coincidence,or that we are looking too hard, but we know when it comes to our Lord, coincidences go out the window. If only we have spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear he will reaveal to us, the signs he told us to watch for.
I think it may be as I said a picture within a picture, a kind of combo in a sense between yours and mine making a more complete picture. One thought I have is that Satan made claims that he would ascend up high to the sides of the North (heaven) yet as in the case of he Venus, he is unable to, just as Venus is never quite able to ascend very high in the sky and is seen only for a short time. As to the colors I looked up colors in egyptian mythology, there were some interesting comments there that you may find interesting, regarding anger, death and deity. In regards to a signet ring, we know that Pharaoh gave Joseph a signet ring as a symbol of his new authority second only to Pharaoh.
Regarding Obama and his link to all of this, when he was in Egypt, he was touted as the new King Tut.Hmmmm? Once again thanks for your reflections as well and feel free to drop me any other thoughts or discoveries you may come across. God Bless you and your family.
Shalom, Shalom ~ Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! I will check out the "colors" as you mention. You, dear one, have been most encouraging ... Also, thank you for your blessing upon us, I receive it with joy and gladness! May our YahvehYahshua's living Blood and precious Name permeate you and yours in all yours ways, your atmosphere, and especially those "unknowns" ... In Yahshua's Name, so be it. And, again, thank you!
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